Most Read APBD Articles of 2020

December 21st, 2020|

APBD is a 24/7/365 battle. From getting to an accurate diagnosis, to seeking support, to finding trusted resources, to connecting with community members who understand, and working towards a cure, the APBD Research Foundation stands with you on this journey.

We have also developed articles and resources with the help of contributing writers — health care professionals and patient advocates in the field — aimed at helping you better understand APBD and learn about the work being done in the field. 

Here are a few of our most-read APBD articles in 2020:

These are just a few of the insightful APBD articles and videos we have published on our website this year. Other topics addressed include: Dr. Edwin Kolodny Brings APBD into the Light at the Berkshire Jewish Film Festival and Foundation’s Biomarker Workshop Spurs Collaboration and Hope … among others. Please visit to learn more!

Be sure to share these articles with your friends and colleagues … and your doctor too. Also, share this important APBD resource with your social network on Facebook and Twitter to help us spread the word!

P.S.: The information provided in these articles is intended for use as general health and wellness information. It is not intended to replace the personal medical advice of your health care provider. Please discuss all treatment, lifestyle, and diet choices with your healthcare provider.

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