Video Highlights
APBD PSA | APBD webinar |We Are APBD | Official Trailer | Scientific Advisory Board | Guaiacol improves outcomes in adult polyglucosan body disease model
PSA about Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease
“We Are APBD: Stories of the Search for a Diagnosis.” Many people struggled in their search for a correct diagnosis of APBD. These are some of their stories.
Life Through a Lens – Trailer, Documentary 1:07
Scientific Advisory Board 2:40
The APBDRF Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of world leading scientists, physicians and educators in genetic neurological disease research and clinical care. Their fields of expertise include neurology, cell research and immunology, clinical pathology, and genetic research.
Guaiacol improves outcomes in adult polyglucosan body disease model 9:53
Or Kakhlon and colleagues screened FDA-approved compounds for those able to reduce GYS activity and polyglucosan accumulation in APBD fibroblasts. Guaiacol emerged as a potential candidate from this screen and improved grip strength and increased lifespan in murine APBD models. These improvements corresponded with reduced polyglucosans in peripheral nerves, liver and heart. Together, these results support further exploration of guaiacol for treating APBD.