Introduction | Background |Events | APBD Events | APBD/KINDsight® Project | Documentary


Be a Hero 3:58
Bring an APBD/KINDSight event to your community. Our recent APBD/KINDSIGHT event raised awareness and thousands of dollars. We are here to help you bring this to your community.


Robert Zuckerman at Authors at Google, NYC 13:39
Robert G. Zuckerman talks about his book and series KINDSIGHT(r), about the richness of everyday life, empowerment, tolerance and good will.


Robert Zuckerman on NJN New Jersey Public TV
State of the Arts producer Christopher Benincasa interviewed renowned photographer Robert Zuckerman on the set of this summers impending blockbuster Transformers 2 at Princeton University.



Jeff Rosenheim 6:09
Jeff Rosenheim, Head of Metropolitan Museum’s Department of Photographs, speaks at Robert Zuckerman’s KINDSIGHT® opening.

Malaak Shabazz, daughter of Dr. Betty Shabazz and Malcom X, speaks at Robert Zuckerman’s KINDSIGHT® closing reception.

Robert Zuckerman and Natasha Bertrand – Final 2:02
Natasha Bertrand, author at Business Insider, talks to Robert Zuckerman about KINDSIGHT®.

Mabou and Robert 5:04
Robert Zuckerman and Mabou Loiseau, a young girl who speaks, writes, reads 8 languages, plays 7 musical instruments.


APBD Events

Dr. Brent Fogel 10:46
Continuing what was started with the APBD/KINDSIGHT(r) at the 92nd Street Y in New York in the Fall of 2014, RZ is dedicating his photography exhibits to helping raise awareness about Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease (APBD), and funding toward research for a cure. For further information, please check www.www.apbdrf.org and/or info@apbdrf.org.


Robert Speaks at The Edgemar Center for the Arts 2:34
At the recent opening (January 18, 2015) of RZ’s PORTRAITS Photography Exhibit, Dr. Brent Fogel of UCLA, who gave me my definitive diagnosis, was kind enough to speak to attendees about APBD. Robert Zuckerman outlines his history leading up to a diagnosis (in 2010, after 7+ years of tests) and introducing Dr. Fogel.


Robert and Dr. Fogel 6:24


Hasan Orhan Akman, PhD (12.12.14)‬‬ 1:47


APBD/KINDsight® Project

Robert and Deberah 4 3:20


Photo Album
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”Photo Album of APBD/KINDSIGHT(r) pieces”]


Official Trailer – Life Through a Lens – Trailer, Documentary 1:07


Official Teaser – Life Through a Lens – TEASER, Documentary 2:39