Pedaling for Progress in APBD Research

The APBD community said, “Let’s Roll!” to the Penn Medicine Orphan Disease Center’s Million Dollar Bike Ride for rare disease research again this year.

Our 33-member team, the “Tour de Friends,” participated from locations all over the country in their neighborhoods and in their gyms.

Under the rules of the Bike Ride, the University of Pennsylvania’s Orphan Disease Center matched the first $30,000 raised by our community Thanks to our generous donors, the university is now holding a total of just over $100,000 for release on January 1, 2020, to top APBD research scientists.

Our community is small, but our thanks are huge. The riding team, the University of Pennsylvania, and wonderful donors made this moment possible. Together, we will find therapies and a cure to defeat APBD.

Unfortunately, Alma, one of our team members, passed away just before the Bike Ride commenced.  Prior, she asked us to include her picture along with others from the Tour de Friends riders.  We’re proud to share it and highlight her dedication to the APBD Research Foundation. To read Alma’s story from our #MyAPBDstory campaign, click here.