Greetings from the ODC!
Registration for the 2018 5th Annual Million Dollar Bike Ride is now open! Please follow this link to register for the ride, which takes place on Sunday, May 20, 2018.
Feel free to share the above link with others, and post to your social media sites!
Registration “With Fundraising”:
The fee for registration “With Fundraising” is $25.00 Please remember that if you select registration “With Fundraising”, there is a required fundraising minimum of $250. It is expected that the minimum will be met by May 20, 2018. You can select a team and raise funds for a specific disease, or you can register as “Independent”. The money raised by the independent group will be split among all disease teams. Once registered, the link above will guide you in setting up your Giving Page.
Registration “Without Fundraising”:
You can also choose to register “Without Fundraising”. The fee for this option is $60.00. Please note: this price will jump to $80.00 on April 1st.
To stay informed about the Million Dollar Bike Ride, make sure you are on the ODC Mailing List. You can also check the MDBR Website and Facebook Page.
If you have any questions, please email Samantha Charleston (
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on your bikes in May!
Samantha Miller
Registry/Program Coordinator
Orphan Disease Center
University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 215-746-2704