Foundation Interacts with Neurologists at American Academy of Neurology Meeting
For the first time, the APBD Research Foundation had an exhibit booth at the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) meeting held this past May in Philadelphia. Each year the AAN meeting gathers approximately 14,000 attendees from all over the world –including neurologists and other professionals in the neurological field.
The APBD Research Foundation booth in the exhibit hall gave us an opportunity to have conversations with neurologists and inform them about diagnostic indicators of APBD and about research advances. We handed out our new brochures, testing locations as well as a list of medical publications on APBD.

Pictured (L-R): Mariana Weiss, Emil Weiss (President, APBD Research Foundation), Robert Dorsky, D. Goldman, Dr. Edwin Kolodny, Roz Kolodny, and Lydia Dorsky.