2016 NYC Marathon is coming up on
November 6th! To our great happiness, the APBDRF is being honored as "Jo, Chlo and DieGO Run for APBD Research."
In 2014 and 2015, the foundation benefited from 200
marathon donations, which raised a total of $100K.
Our goal this year is a stretch -- 500 donations. Why? We need to send Big Pharma the message that people care about finding a cure for a terrible, debilitating disease which is often misdiagnosed as MS or ALS.
And how will the funds be used this year? Two initiatives need our immediate attention.
We must plan for a clinical trial that's being launched by the esteemed researchers Drs. Lossos, Akman, Kakhlon and Caraco. Also, critical funding is needed for a collaborative Natural History Study that's being managed by 3 outstanding clinicians -- Dr. Kishnani of Duke University, Dr. Hirano of Columbia University, and Dr. Schiffmann of Baylor University.
We need 500 supporters to say, "Yes, this matters to me." Can we count on you?