The agent? The prestigious Orphan Disease Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
The offer? If we raise money for APBD research grants under the umbrella of their Million Dollar Bike Ride for rare disease research, they'll give a dollar-for-dollar match. Specifically, if we raise as much as $50K for APBD, they'll match with another $50K.
So simple, so clear: We raise $50K and UPenn matches with another $50K, resulting in $100,000 in grants to APBD researchers.
To date, we've raised $30K. That means raising $20K more gets the full force of UPenn's matching offer on our side.
We're Leaving $$$ on the Table.
Can you help us hit our target?
Donations must be made by the close of business on May 7, the day when the
Million Dollar Bike Ride takes place. All contributions - small, medium, and large - are gratefully welcomed.
I know you understand the physical and emotional impacts that come with APBD. Research to treat and to cure is the answer we need.
Please, will you donate now? Here's a link that takes you directly to our donation page. sincerely,
Gregory Weiss
President, APBD Research Foundation